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Spoff Highland Cereals Spoff® is a range of cereal products made in the Scottish Highlands from the finest ingredients sourced from Scoland and around the world. Apart from cereals we use fruit, nuts, seeds, spices, herbs and flowers in our range. Spoff® Highland Muesli is our premium range of muesli made using Scottish jumbo oats, organic branflakes, and our own herbs & flowers picked & dried on the nursery at It looks good, it tastes good, it has a little bit of crunch & it comes in seven standard varieties, two Gluten Free, two Wheat Free and two Organic varieties. They are all very different and distinctive - once you have tried one you will want to try them all! Spoff® Hot Cereals are new and already very popular. As well as the standard oats and oatmeals we have flavoured hot cereals, such as Porridge Oats with Roasted Barley and Oatmeal with Orange and Cinnamon, and for those requiring a Gluten Free diet we have flavoured rice flakes. Although our hot cereals and mueslis are largely treated as breakfast cereals they can be eaten at any time of the day. Try our Organic Rice Flakes with Apple and Sultana as a quick rice pudding or Spoff Highland Muesli with Chocolate & Peppermint mixed with a good natural yogurt and eat it as an evening snack. To top the lot we have a selection of Snackpacks and Mackpacks - mixtures of dried fruit, nuts, seeds and even vegetables - but not all together! Toppings for cereals, breads, and cakes - or just healthy snacks.
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