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A Problem Shared.....
At some point in our lives, many of us will get stuck with a problem that seems impossible to deal with or we get trapped in a cycle of destructive behaviour that we can see no way out of. Talking to friends can be helpful but they are often too emotionally involved to be objective.
Counselling can be expensive and if you're lucky enough to be referred by your GP for counselling you could find yourself waiting for quite a while! So where do you turn?
We appreciate Counselling is not for everyone, what works for one person may not work for another which is why we are pleased to offer you a FREE 30 minute face to face consultation in our counselling rooms, that way you can decide whether Ivy can help you move forward with your life.
Please don't feel alone there is help available and it's affordable too - so why don't you give us, Yvonne and Diane a call, what have you got to lose?
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Business & Economy > Consultants & Agents > Counselling & Advice Services
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