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At Relationship Counselling Swindon, we work with you to help you gain a clearer understanding and perspective of the issues in the relationship and explore with you, the difficulties you are experiencing with the objective of helping you to achieve your stated needs.
At times issues from our past can impact on the present, and in the session we will support you to think, and reflect, on how these events and experiences may have impacted on your relationship and help you to move forward.
We are both BACP Registered, Accredited Psychodynamic Counsellors working with Individuals & Couples. We adhere to the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy’s (BACP)
Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling & Psychotherapy.
Elizabeth Fitzpatrick & Roger Whitton.
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Business & Economy > Consultants & Agents > Counselling & Advice Services
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